Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Go Bold

Something that is very important for any hair experimenter is a hair stylist that gets you. I don't usually have "people." I rarely go to the same place for the same thing, or even buy the same product twice. But right now, I think I've found a stylist.

I sat myself down in the chair. I told her "do anything you. I want something different. Do whatever you feel will look good." and instead of giving me a normal cut, I got something fun, asymmetrical, and easy as hell to take care of. The back is a little poofy in the pictures, because I didn't style it myself (she blew it dry before I left, and it floofed) but wow, I never in my life thought I'd do something so short. I never felt like I'd pull off such a short look.

4 years ago, I wouldn't' have even been daring enough to to show so much of my face shape. I love it. I feel renewed. I feel bolder.

I think I've found myself a stylist :)

Happy Dyings :)

(I may be adding some purple to this when I touch it up)

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Raw Hair Dyes: Review

I hate making such a harsh decision based on my personal experience with Raw brand Hairdyes... but This is twice now.

The swatches LIE. I used Raw Neon Orange, because it told me my hair would turn out similar to the color of Leeloo's from the 5th Element.
THIS is what I got. This picture doesn't even BEGIN to show the toxic looking yellow tone of my hair. Like someone drank toxic waste and pissed all over my head. I left it in my hair for 60 minutes, as I always do. Took care of it the way I ALWAYS take care of my hair when I'm trying to achieve bright unnatural colors. And it came out like THAT RIGHT THERE. Nasty. I had to dye over it with Manic Panic Flaming (a red dye) to get it to the orange color I'd wanted.

Today, I dyed a girls hair using some purple color by Raw today. It came out a faded nasty blue. I told them to get it at Nirvana or Spencer's, but I can understand how the swatches at Hot Topic can be tempting. I've bought dye there more than once. I was rarely pleased though.

So, in short. Unless your into experimenting, mixing, and maybe getting lighter than expected colors, don't buy RAW. It's a big no-no.

Having hair not turn out well for me is upsetting enough. I hate myself when I do someone else's hair and it doesn't come out as vibrant as they were hoping. I hate crushing people's hope :( I may post of pic of how her hair came out if she posts one and lets me.

Happy Dying.