Thursday, February 16, 2012

Stop Trusting the Box cont.

Purposefully dyed blue hair to the left (Splat Blue Envy). Accidentally dyed blue hair to the right (L'oriel Feria Shimmering color 21 Starry night)

I trusted the box. I knew better. And you may never obtain black results over blonde hair, especially if the black color has the words "shimmer" "bright" or "midnight" in the title. References to the night sky tend to mean there's quite a bit of blue in it. The editing on the photo to the right was a minute filter to make my skin not look like ass and effected the hairs resulting color very little.


Stop Trusting the Box

I haven't been keeping up. I haven't even been dying my hair. Just letting it grow.

I'm to my shoulders now. I know it's not the best picture. Hey look, no makeup.

I've been watching the idyemyhair gallery a lot to decide what to do next. I need some color.
Some of the comments I'm reading from people complaining about different products are almost hilarious. Like people complaining about how their Splat hair color still bleeds after quite a few washes.

Let me explain something to you kiddies. When you're picking a color, you can either pick whatever is on the shelf and therefor easier to get to, or you can look into common complaints about the dye. Splat is known for bleeding. I used Lusty Lavender and Blue Envy. Both times I ended up with a colorful pillow case and whatever else my hair touched when it was wet.

I've never used Punky Colors but I've heard quite a few complaints about awkward colorful dust coming off of the persons head. The spray in color will coat the inside of your nose and make every nose-blowing experience a little more colorful as well and sometimes just not rinsing out of your hair like promised. Just about ANY fresh color will dye your fingernails (and sometimes your hands) when you shampoo it. I once had a streak of purple faintly going down the middle of my forehead because I wasn't thorough enough when rinsing.

Don't blame a company for your lack of education. You aren't a professional if you're reading this blog for information or tips, so perhaps it's time you acknowledge your limitations. In the case of most products the box lies and it's time we  accept that and find ways to combat it instead of feeling like victims.

1. Never go to bed with wet hair.
2. If your hair is long enough, put it in a pony tail when you sleep as well.
3. Wear plastic gloves in the shower if you want your hands to stay the right color 
4. Also wear gloves when applying products to your hair. 
5. Don't use temporary colors if you can't afford to dye over them You NEVER know how your hair will react.
6. Don't straighten your hair AFTER putting in temp colors. Always heat style before. You may end up baking it into your hair. This is especially true if you're a blonde, have bleached recently, or in general over process your hair. 
7. RESEARCH. ALWAYS RESEARCH. Google it. Check hair galleries and Amazon customer product ratings (I've rated quite hair dyes there myself).

Good luck. Feel free to ask me anything, because if I don't know the answer I'm sure I'll give you a long winded explanation ended with "but I don't actually know"