Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Getting Rid of Unnatural Colors

I've had Voodoo Blue hair since October now. I touched it up a little about a month ago since it had faded a little, but I didn't feel like bleaching my roots sooo I didn't. I'm trying to be good to my hair. Trying.

Since I've applied to a new college and it's a technical school I figured I may be needing to have a more professional appearance. They may not care, actually, but before deciding on the big university I went to I had taken a tour or a different tech school and they wanted you to dress in business casual at all times (which is actually why I didn't go. Fuuuuck that).

So, I'm working on getting orange hair. I settled for some L'oreal Paris RR07 Intense Red Copper. If I do it over lighter hair it should turn out less of an auburn. I don't fucking want auburn hair again. I've done that a million times.

I actually couldn't find a good orange though. I'll live. I'll probably end up getting Manic Panic's Electric Tiger Lily once my chosen color fades, like all reds do. However, there is a reason to this rhyme.

I can't get this color out of my hair. It's actually REALLY hard to remove an unnatural color that isn't at least halfway faded. You can TRY to dye over it, but unless your choice color is black, it ain't gonna work. Going from a cool color like blue to a color like orange? Yeah, this is going to be an adventure. So, I can't just bleach my hair kinda light and put Tiger Lily over it. It won't work. My hair would have to be blonde first. The boxed dye will lift SOME of that blue out when I put it on, but I DO need to get most of it out first. After that my hair will eventually fade to a gold blonde (since it's bleached) that I can put the tiger lily on.

I just got done with my first attempt to bleach it out, since I want to lighten my roots anyway to make the color less auburn and more orange (as stated before). My hair is a pastel aqua.

I left the bleach in for about 50 minutes, which is longer than I normally let it sit. I'm really not wanting to bleach my roots again so I'm going to look into a color correction type deal to see if I can lift a bit more so that to ensure my color reaching the proper outcome. I still can't be putting red-orange on this much of a blue-green (at least not without getting some weird unwanted color as a result).

This was jumbled and lacked pictures. I just want to point out that while I love doing these types of colors it's really hard to do a lighter natural color if you can't let it fade on its own.
