Sunday, March 28, 2010


The Phunk-N-Ink convention is going on this weekend. I went yesterday and it was fabulous. My hair was faded and I probably had an inch of new growth, so I was planning all week to dye my hair green for the convention. I'm a procrastinator, so I didn't end up getting around to til fairly late on Friday. Luckily, I seem to work well under stress and got
Manic Panic Green Envy; Manic Panic New Rose

This entry is a guide to NOT turning your bathroom the same color as your hair while RECYCLING, and well as the pros and cons of improvising.

As an at-home hair dyer I know what it's like to accidentally turn your bathroom sink blue, and even though there are ways to get it out (mostly over a long period of time) it's best if you just avoid a situation like that all together, right? I'm renting my apartment right now, so a big green splatter on the wall is something to cause a panic seeing how I can't just paint over it.

All you need is:
-Plastic shopping bags
-your trusty hair dying towel (don't have one, get one. Use it and only it when you dye or bleach your hair so you avoid any mishaps with nicer or more expensive towels.)

It's really simple to start. I cut up 3 wal-mart bags (split the handles and cut until I reached the seam at the bottom, and did the same to the other side) and draped them over my work area. My bathroom mirror is flat, and I prefer working with the three way, so I chose to only use the front area of the sink and use the mirror to hold the bags in place. If you intend to use the whole sink, make sure to cover it and tape everything in place. It IS important to cover the frontal area as well, just in case you drip some dye.

I prefer to keep my hair dying towel on the floor until I'm rinsing, especially because I don't want to accidentally bleach the carpet. If your whole bathroom floor is tile or linoleum you COULD just tape down more bags. I think the towel is also easier to walk and move around on, but it's personal preference.

Since I'm not using the full sink, I keep my supplies on the toilet cover. Since you'll be working with dye stained gloves, it's important to put the bag over this as well. I also have anything I'll need laying out, such as little rubber bands and bobby pins. I also put a cut up bag between the toilet and the towel in case of any drops or drips while moving between there and my work area.
Half of a bag over the door knob. Silly? NOT AT ALL. This is VERY IMPORTANT. While you dye your hair, if you drip on your skin it's important to get it off asap (especially if your using black dye; that shit stains nearly on contact) and this bag allows you something in easy reach that you can use to turn the knobs on the bathtub or sink without getting dye all over them. It's and area that sucks to clean, so it's much easier to not get any dye on them to begin with. It's also useful if you need to leave the bathroom (say, someone has to pee) and you don't want to take your gloves off and try to put them back on. Just do it. You'll find a use.

Want to let your unnatural dyes sit for longer periods of time without getting everywhere or drying (which will essentially make leaving it in your hair pointless) the pin it down with some bobby pins so that it will stay in it's respected places, pull a bag over your hair and take a little rubber hairband over the back to hold it tight. (Note: if you're using a normal hair dye, bought in a box straight off the shelf, do NOT under any circumstances use metal clips or pins while using the dye. It will cause a chemical reaction and will damage your hair. In general, I don't recommend the bag-over-the-head method with any store bought dying kits, as I'm not familiar with them or how they'll react to a lack of air.)

Yes, I know I must have a shit-load of plastic bags floating around my apartment, I really do. My brother and I never throw them out, so we shove them all in our cabinet to use in our small trashcans. We buy a lot, so we have a lot. If your living with your parents just ask them if you can keep their bags every time they go shopping. They don't take up much space.

Keep dying

(This whole entry looks like an ad to Wal-Mart)

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