Jerome Russell B-Wild temporary spray in colors
I bought one of every bright color they had at my local Walgreene's, The purple, the blue, and the green. I'll review them in order that I sprayed them into my hair.
The purple wasn't NEARLY as vibrant as I thought it would be, given the color it showed on the bottle. It was fairly light with slight pink tones on my blond bangs and my natural hair color on the sides, but it was much darker over the the black in my mohawk. It also probably left the least amount of "dust" floating around in the air after use. Washed right out with one shampoo

The green was shown as much darker on the bottle than what it showed up. The color I got was a bright day-glow neon green. I loved it. It showed up about the same color on both the black and blond sections of my hair, which is good. This color seemed to get EVERYWHERE though. It wasn't much of a problem, it came right off if you wiped it with a wet towel regardless of if it were on your skin or all over the bathroom sink. Washed right out of my hair with one shampoo.

The blue color was really dark compared to the color shown on the bottle (which is odd, because the rest of the colors seemed consistently lighter) and in certain lighting it looked like it was more of a blue tint over black hair, but it showed up like that over the blond as well, so the consistency was at least good. This one probably produced the most "dust" of all of them. Either be in a well ventilated room when doing this or prepare to have blue show up when you blow your nose (yes, I'm seriously.) It didn't really do any damage to my breathing or anything, it was just there. I actually have pretty sensitive nose/breathing and it didn't do me any harm. This also washed right out with one little shampoo.

Happy Dying :)